Sunday, August 17, 2008

The World Keeps Turning

Often times I think to myself, "What will become of me?"  It's a hard question to answer, and often times I wonder whether or not I will "make it" in the world.  Of course I have goals and dreams, things I want to accomplish with my life, but I have a horrible fear of not actually getting to do any of them.  I've tried to pinpoint these doubts in myself, and once I can get past my personal failures (which I am often too hard on myself for) I find the source of it all: about ten seconds from an episode of Boy Meets World where Alan Matthews is majorly bummed for never following through with his goals and instead ends up as a grocery store manager.  When I first saw it, it didn't really mean much to me - I was still in high school.  But as time went on, and I saw how the world really works, I began understanding that feeling.  I hear about kids I knew in high school that skipped all the time and performed horribly who have $90K salaries now, whereas I made nearly straight A's and had perfect attendance in high school but recently just quit my job rolling burritos for eight bucks an hour.  It doesn't match up to me, but as I said earlier, I suppose I can attribute a lot of this to my personal failures.  I have grown from them, but can't help but question where life will take me.  Are there people who go there entire lives wondering when it will all come together for them?  Some of it is probably anticipation - I finally got back in college after two years getting on my feet, so I'm eager to accomplish things and tackle the world, but it is definitely a strange feeling.  It makes me wonder if there are people who have no main interests, no big dreams, who spend their lives unsuccessful AND unhappy.  It always seemed to me that you would be one or the other, unless you got famous doing something you loved.  But there's not enough room in the spotlight for everyone.  I suppose it's one of those things that will perplex me until I'm an old man, looking back wondering where the years went.  Who knows, I could be famous in the future, or I could be a hermit.  The world may no longer exist.  There's really no telling what the future holds, but I suppose it's comforting to remind myself that no matter what, at least I'm working towards something, preparing for the rest of my life.

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