Wednesday, September 3, 2008


I can't recall the last time I was outright rude to a stranger.  I am not one to start unjustified arguments (especially with people I don't know) and I rarely even honk my horn.  But somehow, I'm constantly bombarded with disrespect.  Is everyone?  I can't even walk through Woodruff Park without some homeless guy being offended that I (a broke college student) don't have money to spare on him.  I would give it if I had it, but it's not my fault they're aiming at the wrong audience.  A few weeks ago, one bum went into a discourse to me about how the staff at Moe's wouldn't give him lunch for free, and that he deserved it because he was obviously homeless.  I told him that I worked at a Moe's (I did at the time), and that I could barely afford to eat there myself.  He replied, "You people are all the same.  F*** YOU and F*** MOE'S!!!" in my face, and I could still hear him even after I'd walked a good 100 feet away.  First of all, for a black guy to use the term "you people" is incredibly hypocritical, and it doesn't even make sense.  Second, that's not a very convincing way to get the other people on the street who can afford to spare money to actually give it to you.  And I didn't even strike up the conversation, the average pedestrian wouldn't even have acknowledged his existence.  But it's not just homeless people.  How about the guy that sees your turn signal on for like 45 seconds but won't let you over, and when you try to get over he decides to scoot around you really quick (on the right, too!!!), what for, just so he can have the glory of being in front?  Cool, you're .03 seconds ahead of me.  Or the guy who's leaning out his car window, threatening to run you off the road for only going 75 in a 55?  Whatever happened to "patience is a virtue"?  These people are everywhere.  The other day my boss and I had to stop at his co-worker's house, and when we got there the co-worker told us it would be 20-30 minutes before he showed up.  So here we are, sitting outside, with nothing to do, and a beautiful tree so easily climbable right before me.  I work my way up, and the guy we were waiting on pulls up, so I start my descent.  His first words upon opening his car door are "GET YOUR F***ING ASS OUT OF MY G**D*** TREE RIGHT NOW YOU F***ING PIECE OF S***!!!!"  I navigate my way down while he continues with, "Real f***ing funny isn't it, you f***ing d***head?  I ought to sue the g**d**** s*** out of you," amongst other incredible obscenities.  I recognize him, I met him once before when he yelled at me on a jobsite for fixing something the sheetrock crew messed up that was preventing me from doing my own job.  "Sorry, man," I reply, "I didn't know it was that big a deal." He's bright purple.  "Its a HUGE f***ing deal, s***head!!"  I didn't say anything else, just got in the car.  I already know one woman at work who's having anxiety attacks because of this guy.  I just don't get it.  I understand that he may have been upset with someone unfamiliar being in his tree, and that's my fault.  But was all that necessary?  Do these people have an actual anger management issue, or is it just the norm to be this inconsiderate?  I can't imagine how different the world would be if for just ONE day, everyone on the planet was able to respect each other like fellow humans.  We all have differences, of course, and it would be impossible and even cruel to expect people to abandon their culture, their lifestyle, or their hopes and dreams.  But is it too much to ask for people to just be humane?  Be excellent to each other, and... 

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